Homelands Far From Home

Young were they then.
Boys no more
But not yet men
When the drums of war,
Like Sirens’ song,
Swept up yearning hearts,
And the fear of missing out
Was all they feared
From homelands far from home.

Steeped in the lore
Of their fathers’ wars,
They could not fail
Their country’s call,
As over there and over here,
They sailed away on mothers’ tears
To homelands far from home.

A rugged game,
Or so it seemed,
Until their friends
Beside them fell,
And innocence
Was shed like blood
In the muck and mud
Of homelands far from home.

Those at home
The same remained,
And “over there”,
A glorious war reigned.
While in the trenches,
The boys, forever changed,
Still in their prime,
Old men became,
As endless ranks began
Their endless slumber
In homelands far from home.

And every year,
On that one day,
With pipes and drums,
We honour they
Who homeward came
But found no home.
And never will their hearts forget
Their comrades who still slumber yet
In homelands far from home.

Stephen Tomkins
18 January 2024

Just a Moment

A moment of grace

Descend on you now

And, lifting your burden,

I pray you unbow.


A moment of joy

Brings mist to the eyes.

May it bring you solace,

No need for disguise.


A moment of peace,

True peace may you feel.

May it never cease

And may your heart heal.


A moment of sorrow

For things that have passed.

Now let them all go

For little does last.


A moment of grief

For those we have lost.

Accept their departure

In spite of the cost.



This is the moment,

Now is the time.

A day for atonement

A moment sublime.


Stephen Tomkins
22 April 2019



Gone Too Soon

Though we try to understand,

The flowers say it best:

A life in full-bloom plucked away

And hastened to its rest.


Straining to articulate,

In vain we seek a voice.

So, we resort to hugs and tears,

As if we had a choice.


To void the Reaper’s deathly grin,

We focus on a life –

Thankful for a life well-lived,

It still cuts like a knife.


Stephen Tomkins
11 September 2018